Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fares on the First

October just disappeared. I don't really believe that it is November, given the balmy 95* weather we're having in Riyadh and general lack of Halloween. What has changed (or will shortly) is my project. Technically it finishes today, although I will be in Riyadh through the end of the week.

After that, I'm not sure. It looks like I may have some time in the Dubai office "on the beach" (consulting slang for not being on a case). I'm curious to find out where I'll end up. While I don't mind Riyadh as much as I first did, it'd be interested to have a change of scenery.

November promises to end on a high note, regardless, with my thanksgiving dinner lined up at the US ambassador's residence in Saudi which should be intriguing. Following Thanksgiving is Eid al-Adha. Not sure the relgious significance (insert wikipedia reference here) but it means I get three days off and I'm looking for a destination.

In the meantime, here are your fares to Dubai for the beginning of February.

February (change from previous month)
SEA $1,067 (down $100)
DC $728 (down $200)
NYC $615 (down $300)
CHI $737 (up $1)
Hong K. $615 (no change)
London $442 (down $1)

So those of you still in the States won't find a better deal than this. Especially if you're in NYC...

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