Saturday, October 10, 2009


I finally got to use some GERMS skillz today at the Mall. I was on the escalator with a dad and boy behind me. All of a sudden the boy is crying and the dad is punching him in the back. I wasn't sure what was going on but the boy was essentially gasping with no noise coming out. We were at the end of the escalator at that point so I got behind him and did a couple J-thrusts - the boy then coughed out a horribly mishapen gumball.

It all happened very quickly, maybe 15 seconds in total but it felt like I was acting slowly. Afterward I tried to get the kid to sit down for a second to make sure he was alright but he was so frightened of me that he more or less ran off. The dad said his thanks and ran off after the kid, leaving me stunned at the bottom of the escalator.

But I've been on a bit of an adrenaline high all day and missing the ambulance (although I never got to use any manuevers as a GERM). Also spent a bit of time research medic programs...uh oh.

For more on the Heimlich Manuever I will refer you to an expert.


  1. is it sad that im going to med school, but you save more lives than me?

  2. hmm... i always wondered if the Heimlich really worked.

    Good to know.

  3. Sick, did you crack his ribs?
